A Question You Must Ask Yourself
Whenever creating an action plan to address a problem, one question you must ask yourself is, “Am I treating the cause or the symptom?” You will not believe how clear the answer will be, how it can lead you to a deeper understanding of the...
Workers Stay in Career Misery
Fear tops the list of why people do not leave their dissatisfying and anxiety-filled careers. Are you tired of the negative impact your job is having on other parts of your life, especially to those dear to you? Are you in a career rut too deep for escape?...
The Wrong Question
According to research we did with the Barna Group, only 11% of self-identified Christians know their purpose! 22% said that they had no idea. The rest said things like, “Be a great parent to my children” or “Be a loving husband.” Unfortunately,...
Great Question Submitted at Last Week’s “Ask the Coach” Webinar
One of the most interesting and thought-provoking questions sent to me prior to our most recent webinar was, “What do I do if the job market in my newly-discovered ideal occupation is not hiring...
Do Not Worry About Losing Your Job--Focus on Enhancing It
If you keep worrying about your job, you will keep playing defense instead of offense on the business field. One of my mentors told me, “The best defense is a good offense.” So, let us review three behavior changes you...
Sometimes a Radical Career Change is Too Much
If you have taken our Career Change Assessment, you may have realized that change is necessary because frustration at work is negatively affecting the other areas of your life. Or, you may have a powerful desire to change your career for a...
Two Powerful Actions to Improve Your Life Right Now!
Here are two actions to take. First, assess how you spend your time but in a new way I will explain. Second, learn how to respond during contentious or even volatile interactions with people you love but who disagree with how to talk...
There Is Something Big Happening with Female Workers
Over the past couple of weeks, we had almost 300 people complete a Career Change Assessment asking questions around elements leading to job satisfaction. Questions include level of promotion path clarity, culture fitting their values,...
Survey Results Indicating Major Positive Impact on Homeschooling
In a recent RealClear Opinion Research Survey, 40% of families are more likely to homeschool when lockdown restrictions lift. Kerry McDonald, author of Unschooled, said last week that an EdChoice survey revealed “more...
Increasing Your Awareness Is Essential
There are different ways to know it is time for a career change. The most common answer from our FREE Career Change Assessment is that people wake up in the morning and are not excited about going to work. Another way is reassessing your career after...
COVID-19 Season is Turning Into Career Reassessment Season
Sam was about to turn 40 – common time to review life, career, and marriage. To add to the drama, COVID-19 was hitting. Then there was work at home with many changes… and then coping. You have heard of many stories...
Greg’s Job Satisfaction Was Suffering
Greg was a new Career and Life Coaching client. He was quite well suited for his career, but the actual duties of his job were wearing him out. Small churches and businesses demand so much of their leaders and staff which is why special people...